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About Us


What is Expansive Connection?

We are a team of coaches ready to support individuals, couples, and more-somes on your life journey. We want to support you to grow physically, mentally, and emotionally. We bring a variety of experience to provide an integrative, holistic and collaborative approach to relationship coaching. We are here without judgement to work towards your connection goals.


Read more about our coaches below!


~ Catherine ~


Education and Certifications

Catherine is a licensed therapist, relationship coach and yoga teacher. She brings 20 years of experience and teaches through mindfulness, education, metaphors, and example. Her strength, grace, and fiery personality keep her client’s coming back for more of her unique blend of inspiration, encouragement, and comfort.

Important note: Catherine's relationship and mindfulness coaching and consulting does not fall under the scope of her certification or license. To understand more about the difference between coaching and therapy, please click here

  • B.S. in Health Promotion | Minor in Psychology

  • Master's degree in Community Counseling

  • Nationally Certified Counselor 

  • Licensed Professional Counselor 

  • Registered Yoga Teacher




Fun Facts from Catherine

  • I raced triathlons and started a triathlon team for my university in college.

  • I LOVE being outdoors... camping, hiking, biking, skiing, running, soaking up sun by any source of water.

  • I was a nationally certified ski patroller for 20 years.

  • My job as a mom is the hardest one of my life. I am fierce, silly, and loving in that role and have learned enough humility to own when I screw it up badly.

  • I love to travel - passport stamps are like badges of honor for me.

  • I used to teach healthy cooking classes. Cooking is my creative outlet and I love to nourish my body with healthy foods, but don't get between me and a warm cookie or slice of cheesecake - you might lose a hand.

  • I am a terrible speller and can’t learn a foreign language to save my life.

  • One of my nicknames in my family is Master Fire Builder – I am fantastic at starting and keeping a fire alive!

~ Kel ~

Education and Certifications


  • B.S. in Business Administration 

  • Certified Adult Chair Coach® 

  • Certified Enneagram Coach 





Kel is a Certified Adult Chair Coach® and a Certified Enneagram Coach with a focus on relationships. She uses The Adult Chair® model to help people discover who they truly are, learn to love themselves, and learn to truly listen to themselves. If you feel stuck and know that your life was made for more, she will discuss with you how to discover that once-in-a-lifetime life and make it a reality.


Once she works with you to discover who you truly are, then the work to improve relationships can begin. Kel also works with couples who are ready to discover and make long lasting changes to how they relate and communicate with each other and fall back in love with their relationship. 


When you know and love yourself, your relationships will take off. 

Fun Facts from Kel

  • ​Cheez-its are my comfort food. I almost always have a box nearby.

  • I have been married for almost 22 years. It is the fact about me I am most proud of because I know the hard work and tremendous love it has taken to achieve.

  • My first concert was Paula Abdul and Color me Badd. Singing "I Wanna Sex You Up" at the top of my lungs as a 12 year old seems awkward to me looking back. 

  • I love volunteering. I will raise my hand to help with almost anything. Bake sale, yes please, Room mom, I got it, Make a meal for someone, sure thing.  I am currently serving on two female led community action groups and love it.

  • I am learning to knit. I have found it is a huge cure for overthinking. 

  • I will eat anything. There is no food I won't try. I have eaten alligator, rattlesnake, all type of bugs, chicken hearts, sweet breads, pork knuckle, frog legs, poutine...

~ Meshai ~


Meshai is certified in both Trauma Therapy and Sex Therapy. She believes in the power of living as one’s authentic self, and the freedom that comes from changing perspectives. She loves putting the puzzle pieces together of a couple's sexual energy and aiding them in positive and explorative movement.


Her coaching work implements creative synergy, openness, self-expression, and the confrontation of challenges through self-determination. She helps individuals from diverse populations move forward with their goals while being fully aware that trauma can play on the whole person. 

Education and Certifications

Important note: Meshai's relationship and mindfulness coaching and consulting does not fall under the scope of her license. To understand more about the difference between coaching and therapy, please click here

  • B.S. in International Anthropological Communications 

  • M.S. in Marriage and Family Therapy 

  • Licensed as a Marriage and Family Therapist

  • Certified in Trauma Therapy and Sex Therapy

  • Trained in Dialectical Behavior Therapy




Fun Facts from Meshai

  • I love to rollerblade and have been doing it since I was 12 years old.

  • I am learning to love camping and enjoy the ability to disconnect

  • I have lived in 5 different states 

  • I used to be on a college dance team

  • I love to putter!! slowly moving around my house to ensure everything is in its proper place makes me super happy.

  • I love learning about different cultures and trying new foods.

~ Jason ~


Jason is clinically trained with a Master's degree in Social Work, applying his skills over a nearly 20 year varied career in higher education from directing public health research projects to management consulting, and even operating a successful part-time guitar teaching business.


At his core, Jason has always believed that relationships are the unlock to a fulfilling life, so when he heard famed therapist and relationship expert Esther Perel say the "quality of our relationships determines the quality of our lives," this resonated deeply, although he had no idea the level of impact it would ultimately have on him.


Jason enjoys offering his knowledge, experience, and cautionary tales to help others gain a deeper understanding of themselves in service to designing and navigating their own high quality, rich, and fulfilling relationships.

Education and Certifications

  • B.A. in Psychology | Minor in Sociology

  • Masters Degree in Social Work

  • Certification in Substance Abuse and Addictions 

  • Trained in Relational Life Therapy​​

Fun Facts from Jason

  • I love exercise (as long as it's outside). From trail running to strapping on a weighted rucksack and setting off for several miles of misery, working out keeps me sane.

  • I am a podcast JUNKIE.

  • Travel is in my DNA and visiting local breweries will often be at the top of any itinerary.

  • I'm a sucker for a good deal. I will spend hours scouring the web for the best deal on something. Did you say free? I'll take two!

  • Music is embedded in my soul. Shared playlists are a love language.

  • From salty beach to crisp mountain air, the outdoors is my happy place.

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© 2021 by Expansive Connection. 

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